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Do you offer discounts to charities?

charity, not for profit, discount, charities

Gary Preston avatar
Written by Gary Preston
Updated over a week ago

We want to support people in the world who are doing good things.
CoverageBook for charities offers eligible organisations a 30% discount on any plan.

Does my organisation qualify for the 30% discount?

We welcome applications from organisations that hold a valid charitable status with either the IRS (in the United States), HMRC (in the UK) or a local tax service/charity commission.  We require your tax ID number or registered charity number in order to apply the 30% discount.

Are there any additional criteria?

Additionally, your organisation must meet the following criteria:

  • Is not a legislative or political activity organisation

  • Is not a church, association of churches, or other religious or evangelical organisation

  • Is not a school, college, or related organisation

  • Is not an organisation that attempts to influence public opinion

  • Is not a hospital, organisation involved with health insurance or group health plans, and related organisations

  • Is not a private grant-making, independent, or operating foundation

  • Does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, political affiliation or beliefs, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression

  • Does not promote a particular religious affiliation, dogma, or doctrine as part of its mission or in exchange for its services (being affiliated with a religious organisation is not in itself disqualifying)

Note:  We do not offer refunds for subscription fees paid prior to being approved for the CoverageBook for Nonprofits discount.

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