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Can I upload Spotify playlists?

Spotify, playlist, social, music, artist

David Whitner avatar
Written by David Whitner
Updated over a week ago

As of February 2023 we now support metrics for Spotify Playlists!

How do I add a playlist to my report?

Click into the playlist you want to add to a report, and copy the URL address.

Paste it into CoverageBook as a Coverage Link and we'll grab a screenshot, plus collect the playlists Followers and Engagements (number of playlist likes, plus shares of the playlist URL on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest).

How do I get a playlist URL from the Spotify Mobile app?

Find the playlist you're looking for, tap on the three dots to open the menu, and tap on share - copy link to clipboard.

Can you show how many plays a single track has had?

Unfortunately this data isn't available, so you'll see the number of followers and likes the playlist has.

Can I show the audiences and engagements for Spotify in the Metrics Summary page?

Yes, just head to the Metrics Summary and click on the Choose Metrics button. You can click to show both audiences and likes(engagements) for each platform, including Spotify.

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