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How to assign clips to another outlet

assign, move, transfer, update, clips, outlet

David Whitner avatar
Written by David Whitner
Updated over a week ago

Our outlet management area allows you to quickly assign some, or all of your coverage from one outlet to another. So if you've created more than one outlet for your coverage you can now assign everything to the one place and delete any unwanted outlets from your account.


Can I assign a clip as I'm working in a report?

Yes. Just click into the edit area above the main screenshot of the clip and you'll have the option to assign it to another outlet - search for the outlet you want to assign the clip to and click save to move it over.

Click in the link to switch the clip to another outlet...

Search for the name of the outlet and click save when you've selected it.

Can I assign some or all clips to another outlet?

Yes! Click into any of your outlets and you'll see all the clips currently saved to it in the list below. Click to select all, or use the checkboxes to pick which clips you want to move to another outlet, and you'll now see a 'switch to a different outlet' option.

Search for the outlet you want to move the clips to, and select it.

Click next and confirm. We'll show you a preview of the outlet profile data your clips will update to before you assign them to the other outlet. If you're happy to proceed, click Yes to reassign them.

You can also assign clips to an outlet when you're viewing a clip inside a report. Click into the edit option above the clip and select 'switch this clip to another outlet', use the search to find it and confirm. We have more info on this here.

How can I tell if an outlet is user-created, or one that CoverageBook's system created?

In the main outlets list you'll see a User and System logo to show whether you have manually created an outlet, or its one that we setup automatically as you've imported online and social URLs.

When I assign clips to another outlet, how is the data updated?

When you assign clips to another outlet, they will automatically be updated with the profile data of the outlet you move them to. This includes the logo, the outlet's metrics (audience, DA, followers, circulation etc) and will also show the outlet's name and description text.

For example, if I move clips into the outlet below, they will update with all of the info in the outlet profile:

If your items have any clip level metrics like views or engagements, we'll still show those numbers when you assign a clip to a new outlet, so you won't lose any previous clip level metrics. You can choose to edit those to 0 if they're not needed once you've moved them to a new outlet.

I made a mistake. Can I switch the clips back to their original outlet?

We won't automatically delete the old outlet if you switch some or all clips from it. If you made a mistake just repeat the steps above to select the clips you want to move back. They'll be updated with the outlet's profile data again.

Can I delete unused or duplicate outlets?

As long as the outlet has no clips assigned to it, you can choose to delete it permanently from your outlets list.

Click on the outlet and on the 3 dots in the top left - click delete and confirm. This will permanently delete the outlet.

How can I find duplicate outlets in my account?

In the outlets page, you can search for an outlet by name or partial name so see if you have any duplicated outlets, or some that aren't being used.

You can also use the column filters in the outlets page to sort by name A-Z, and you can quickly see which outlets have no clips in them by clicking on the 'clips' column arrows.

If you want to delete any unused outlets just click into the outlet profile and click the 3 dots in the top right corner to delete it.

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