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Organise your coverage using Sections and Automatic sort options
Organise your coverage using Sections and Automatic sort options

reorder, organise, move, delete, edit, customise, arrange, sort, sections

David Whitner avatar
Written by David Whitner
Updated over 9 months ago

There are lots of ways you can organise your coverage.

Import coverage directly into sections

If you would like to organise all your coverage into sections - perhaps by coverage type, or event, month, or region... You can choose to upload new coverage to an existing section you've created, or set up a new one.

Reorder the sections in your report

Head to the Book Overview page and you can either drag and drop your sections or click on the up and down arrows to reorganise them (the top section will show first in your report and so on).

Switch to Grid or List view when editing your reports

There's a couple of view options you can use when editing coverage (your clients won't see these views in the final book).

Grid view

Click on the grid view option to see your coverage as image thumbnails

List view

This is a handy view when you have lots of coverage in a section. Click on List to see all your coverage in a list view

Automatically sort your coverage

We've included some automatic sort options where you can reorder all your coverage in each of your sections section by date, title and by metric (audience, engagements, views). This'll save you time in future as we'll automatically sort all your new imports into your chosen order!

Click on the Sort coverage by button.

And select how you'd like to organise your coverage automatically. Here I've selected Views (largest) from the drop down list.

If you'd like to save this sorting option for the Section in your book, click on Automatically maintain this order. Any new clips you add to the Section will automatically be added in your chosen sorting order.

We'll do this just for this section, so you can choose to reorder your coverage a different way for each section of your report.

**note that saving your sort order won't allow you to manually move clips in that Section. If you need to make any fine tune adjustments just toggle the Saved sorting order button off.

I've sorted by date but they're not saving in the right order?

One of the most common sort options is by published date. Where possible we'll collect the published date from the article, but sometimes that's not possible. Any clips that don't have a date will go to the end of the Section. Just add the date manually and we'll place the clip in the right order for you.

Switching to List View in a Section is a great way to quickly see all your clips, with their published dates so you can quickly see any that need adding.

Manually ordering coverage

You can also manually order your coverage. For single clips you can drag and drop them to a new location.

To move multiple clips (either in the grid or list view), click on the checkbox to select the clips (you can also select all if you wanted to move all the clips to another part of your report).

Then click on one of the options in the drop down menu.

You can now:

  1. Delete your selected clips from the report

  2. Move the clips to the front or end of the section

  3. Move selected clips to any position in the section

  4. Add clips to a newly created section

  5. Move clips to an existing section

  6. Move or add clips to another book

Further reading

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