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I've been logged out of my account

logged out, login, blocked, sign in, shared login, team, access

David Whitner avatar
Written by David Whitner
Updated over a week ago

To keep your account secure, a single user can be logged into one session at a time. If you see a "you've been logged out by someone else" message, it'll mean that someone else on your account has logged in as you.

Or, If you're working from the office and leave yourself signed in, then login to CoverageBook from home, it is no problem, we'll just end your other session so you can always sign into your account wherever you are.

If you're using someone else's login we'll give you a heads up before signing in that you're about to log someone else out. You can continue to sign in (and log the other session out), or cancel.

Invite your team to join your account

We'd recommend that everyone on your account uses their own login information to sign in. It keeps things more secure and means we can better support everyone on your team if they need help.

All our plan tiers come with a set number of user logins so you can invite your teammates to join you. You can sign up using a secure password or via your Google or Microsoft workspace.

Can we remove teammates when needed?

It's more secure when everyone has their own login. If a teammate needs to be removed from the account at any time, you can permanently revoke access from the main settings menu - team tab when signed in.

Can we use a generic email address for billing and receipt emails?

Yes, that's no problem. You can choose to setup your accounts@ email etc separately as the billing contact, here's how.

Further reading

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