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What data do you show in the Metrics Summary page?
What data do you show in the Metrics Summary page?

metrics summary, data, cards, numbers, audience, engagements, views, shares, links, backlinks, DA, overview, summary, customise,custom

David Whitner avatar
Written by David Whitner
Updated over a week ago

Our Metrics Summary page will automatically total up all the numbers through your report, including any custom metrics you've added to clips. There's lots of options to show as much or as little data as you like! You can even drag and drop the summary to any position within the Front Matter pages of your report, or hide it entirely.

We've broken down all the different ways to show our metrics into 6 sub sections. Each section has cards you can select to customise your summary page, so you can focus on individual social platform metrics, or just stick with the headline numbers for all placements. In the last 2 sections you can also include your own custom metrics and summary summary cards!

(click here for further reading)

How do I see all the available metrics options?

When you're in the Metrics Summary page, click on Choose Metrics. You'll see each subsection on the left. Just click on the checkbox at the top of any card to add or remove it from your summary page. You can add as many cards as you like.

Coverage counts

This Section counts how many pieces of coverage you have in a book. We'll show the total pieces by default, but you can choose to show individual counts, eg number of social posts by platform.

Coverage views

This section focuses on how many people have viewed the individual coverage items in your book. We'll total up all the online and social views for your coverage into one card, but you can choose to show totals separately for online and social posts in your book, and views per platform.


Engagements show how many people engaged with the individual coverage items in your book. These could be likes, shares, comments, retweets and plays depending on the social platform. For online articles we collect how many times its been shared on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

You can show all engagements as a single total, or break out individual engagements per platform.

You can find out more about engagements we collect for social posts here.

*engagements don't update automatically over time, but you can choose to refresh our metrics to get the latest numbers available.


Audience numbers aren't representative of how many people saw or engaged with a piece of coverage. We show audiences as a guide to how many people visit, follow or subscribe to the publications featured in your book. We don't collect print, radio or TV audiences automatically, but you can include your own audience numbers for those outlets.

To focus on coverage specific metrics, we collect views and engagements to showcase how many people saw or reacted to the individual items featured in your book.

The Audience card will total up the audiences for all the publications, websites and accounts where you've featured coverage (we'll count a single publisher's audience once through the book to avoid duplication).

The Online Readership will show the total number of visitors to all of the websites where you've achieved coverage (we collect Monthly Unique Visitors data from SimilarWeb for our online readership metric).

The Offline Audience card is the total for all your print, TV, radio and any other coverage that's not a social post or online article.

We've also broken down audiences by platform, so you can show Instagram followers, YouTube subscribers, print circulation and so on, to customise the report as you like.

Domain authority

You can choose to show the average DA score for all your online coverage, or the Max score for the highest article in your book. DA is an indication of how popular and influential a website is in search engines's rankings. You can find out more about DA here.


We'l count how many times a link back to your clients website has been included in your online coverage, and you can search for up to 5 domains per book!

You can choose to show how many pieces of coverage contained one or more links, or count the total individual links.

Your custom metrics

In addition to our automated metrics, you can add your own custom metrics to individual clips through a book, and we'll total those up for you in the Metrics Summary. If you prefer you can choose to remove a custom metric card from showing in the Summary.

If you hide the card we'll still show the custom metrics for each clip through the book. If you want to remove a custom metric from any items, click on the trash can icon next to the metric and click Continue to remove it from the clip.

Your Custom summary cards

If you don't need to show individual custom metrics per clip, but just need to add some of your own data in our metrics summary page, you can add a custom summary card. This could be total number of key messages, mentions, a quality score, any numbers you like).

To add a custom summary card, click on the Add Custom Cards button from the main Metrics Summary page. Give it a title, brief description and add a value.

You can add as many cards as you like. As above, click on the checkbox above the card to add or remove it from any of your reports.

Can I change the order of the cards in the Metrics Summary?

Yes, you can drag and drop the cards into any position you like. The top two cards are larger to pick out your key numbers in the top row.

Further Reading

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