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Questions about the metrics
Understand the metrics we use and how to add your own
What data do you show in the Metrics Summary page?
What metrics do you collect for online articles?
What metrics do you collect for social posts?
What are Estimated Views?
Why is CoverageBook's Estimated Coverage Views such a big deal?
The metrics you'll find in our CSV export
What are Unique Visits?
What is Domain Authority?
What are Engagements?
What are backlinks and why do you track them in coverage?
Metrics Cheat sheet
How is the Audience metric in the Summary calculated?
How to hide and show metrics in a report
Can I customise the order of the metrics in the Summary page?
Can I add my own custom metrics to a report?
Can I archive, delete or edit a custom metric?
Can I edit CoverageBook's automated metrics?
Can I add decimal values to custom metrics?
Can I refresh the social metrics in my report?
How do I find my client's backlinks in my coverage?
What do the symbols K and M indicate?
The total audience number is lower than the combined monthly visits for my online coverage
Does CoverageBook provide metrics for print and other offline coverage?
Can I see the metrics for a section of clips in my book?
Use custom metrics to track coverage tiers and mentions
Can I hide backlinks on individual clips but still show the total in my summary?
Have you been asked for a PR value? Consider CPM